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Escape to Whispering Creek by Barbara M Britton

“Escape to Whispering Creek”

Barbara M. Britton


Thanks for having me on the blog again, Clare. Today is my launch day for “Escape to Whispering Creek.” Paperback fans will have to wait until October 31st to get their hands on Emma and Wade’s story.

Readers will be able to head back to my Tennessee town with Emma. When Emma’s life implodes, she drives to see her bestie Sam in Whispering Creek. Emma hopes to get a job and make some money, but she never expects to fall in love with grumpy Wade.

Samantha and Cole from “Christmas at Whispering Creek” return in this story, but “Escape” can be read as a standalone novel.


Book blurb:

Emma Uranova enjoys her office job until her boss disappears with the investors' money. To avoid the media storm and false accusations, Emma flees to Whispering Creek, Tennessee to live on her best friend' s secluded property. When a temporary position opens up in Nashville, Emma leaves small-town anonymity to pad her depleted bank account. With a handsome new boss and a steady income, Emma believes life is looking up... until she discovers she has transported the scandal in her backpack. Where is God when her life is falling apart?

Wade Donoven is recuperating from a crash that sidelined him from the family electrical business. Worse yet, his prodigal younger brother is getting the glory for Wade' s accomplishments. Desperation, and physical setbacks, have him agreeing to let Emma help him manage the business office. But when trouble follows her to his doorstep, Wade must make some difficult choices. Sending Emma back to Whispering Creek may unknowingly place the woman he's come to love in danger. 


Barbara’s bio:

Barbara M. Britton lives in Southeast, Wisconsin and loves the snow—when it accumulates under three inches. She writes Christian Fiction from Bible Times to present day USA. Her Tribes of Israel series brings little-known Bible characters to light. Her novel “Escape to Whispering Creek,” returns readers to Tennessee where Barbara’s characters find love. Barbara has a nutrition degree from Baylor University but loves to dip healthy strawberries in chocolate. You can find out more about Barbara and her books on her website

You can follow her on TwitterFacebook, or Instagram, too.


Excerpt: Wade and Emma’s first meeting in Nashville.


     “Wade, we’re heading out.” His dad’s announcement garbled the game analysis. 

     Thank You, Lord. Seconds until solitude. 

    “Have fun.” Wade stifled an elated grin. 

     Emma propped her hip on the back of the sofa. “You’re not going with us?” She stared at his elevated leg like she was an orthopedist. “You’re staying by yourself?” 

     Captain Obvious in a spiky wig. 

    “I don’t want to be the fifth wheel.” He’d be the sixth wheel, but who was counting except the matchmaking squad. 

     The couch squatter yawned and fanned a hand in front of her face. “You know, after driving to Tennessee, staying up late, and all the craziness of the past two days, I don’t mind hanging out here with you. There’s nothing like Sunday night football.”

     What did she say? He whipped around sending shock waves into his shoulder. ‘No’ boomed through his brain. He didn’t need company, or this woman thinking this was a date, or worse, her thinking she was a babysitter. 

     His mother’s smile hit him like a laser. 

    “If you’re sure, Emma? Make yourself at home.” His mom’s tone bled sugar. “Our card’s on file at the pizza place. Wade has the number in his phone.” 

    “Glad you’re feeling better, Wade.” Sam waved as Cole tugged her toward the door. 

     Cole gave him a salute. “Have fun. Eat a slice for me.” 

    “Wait.” Wade rocked to grab his cane and came up short. 

     His family disappeared like they were dashing to the finish line of a 5K race. 

     This couldn’t be happening. His loved ones were leaving him with a yappy Yankee. 

     Emma kicked off her shoes and curled into the chair next to the couch. Mom would have scolded him if he placed his feet on the cloth cushion. 

    “Do you like thin crust or thick?” Her cheerful tone seemed well-rested. “Can we get half the pizza without meat? I like extra cheese instead of sausage or pepperoni.” 

The opposing team’s receiver danced in the end zone. 

Could this day get any worse?


You can purchase “Escape to Whispering Creek” on Amazon USAmazon UKBarnes and NobleKOBO, and wherever books are sold.



Barbara Britton said…
Thanks for having me back on the blog, Clare. I hope everyone enjoys Emma and Wade's story.
M. Jean Pike said…
Congratulations on the release of Escape to Whispering Creek! Such a wonderful story :)
Barbara Britton said…
Thank you, Jean. I am excited for readers to finally get to read the story. i appreciate you being here with us.
marilyn leach said…
Congrats on your release, Barbara, and thanks, Clare, for the post. I know the story of Escape to Whispering Creek will be enriching as is all your books. Cheers
Barbara Britton said…
Thank you, Marilyn. I enjoy writing Christian Fiction so the love of the Lord shines through the pages. I'm glad you joined us.

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