Today we chat to Pastor Jack Chambers - the male lead from my upcoming release Cassie's Wedding Dress.
Tell us your name and a little bit about yourself?
I'm Pastor Jack Chambers. I'm co-pastor of Headley Baptist Church, a church of around 400 members. I'm a single parent. My daughter, Lara, is seven now. Her mum died a few hours after she was born. I've been in Headley Baptist for almost eight years. Before that I was pastor at a church in Cumbria.
Tell us about where you live and why you choose to live there?
I live in Headley Cross, Berkshire, England. I live here because that's where I was called to minister. It's a beautiful place, a small town, yet busy.
What is a quirk of your personality that most people wouldn't know?
You seriously expect me to answer that question? Good job your readers can't see me right now. (Jack shifts awkwardly on his chair, his fingers pressed together and resting under his chin.) Okay, but they have to promise not to tell. I use different voices and accents when I read to Lara each night. And if I forget or get it wrong, she tells me off for it.
What obstacles did you have to overcome in order to reach your Happily-ever-after?
Dating a parishioner brings a whole host of problems. Including a police investigation. Hmm, that sounds terrible put that way.
Tell us about your special lady. What makes her special?
Her name is Cassie...Cassie Hinton. She's a former jockey - actually rode in the Grand National. She's my best friend Danny's sister. So a couple of years younger than me.
The first time you saw her, what did you think? Did you like her immediately, or did she have to grow on you?
We grew up together, but the first time I really noticed her she was 12 and I was 14. We never really dated, Danny was always around and I was more his friend than hers. I went to college and when I came home, she'd left. We lost touch over the years, I moved away, got married, moved back...Then she came home and ... well, the rest is in the novel.
And now some silly questions.
Silly questions? Ummm, okay.
Pepsi or coke
tea or coffee
coffee - pastors live on this. At least the ones I know.
elephant or tiger
roast dinner or burger and chips (fries for our US readers)
roast dinner - especially on a Sunday. Nothing beats it.
classical music or pop
to be honest, I prefer gospel.
sunrise or sunset
walk or run
run - used to do that a lot. Don't really have time now.
chocolate or crisps (chips for our US readers)
crisps. I'm a savoury bloke.
Thanks for stopping by, Jack. Next week, Cassie will be dropping in to answer the same questions. Their story releases from Pelican Book Group on October 14th.
This was a clever way for us to meet Pastor Jack. Good job! Sounds like another terrific story.