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The Christmas Mission by Karen Malley




After being betrayed and abandoned by everyone in her former high-class life, Nicole is left to find her way on her own. She finds God while living in a homeless mission and vows to separate herself from the “well-off” members of society.

Michael has known nothing but love and acceptance all his life, but when a series of fortunate investments lands him in the upper class, he has trouble finding a woman who cares for him more than his money.

As Nicole and Michael' s lives intertwine during the busy Christmas season and through a surprising connection to the mission, will they be able to shake the pain of their pasts and find happiness together?


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As they headed away from the Christmas display, Michael scowled. “Seriously? The trashcan is right there. How hard is it?”

Nicole followed his gaze to a collection of discarded cups. Michael picked them up one-by-one and tossed them into the trashcan with ease. The last cup, however, bounced off the can and sticky liquid splattered all over the floor. Michael moaned.

“No one saw you,” Nicole said.

Michael shook his head. “No, I made things worse. I’ll take care of this.” He veered off to the right, opposite the direction of the main exit. Nicole waited, curious what he would do. He returned a few moments later with a janitor bucket. He removed his coat, draped it over a nearby chair, and loosened his tie. She admired his relaxed appearance, having never seen him without a full suit.

He mopped the mess and returned the bucket. As he walked back towards the chair to retrieve his jacket, he noticed her watching. “I thought you’d be long gone by now.”

“It was nice of you to clean up the cups.”

“It would’ve been simple if I wasn’t trying to show off.”

Nicole’s stomach fluttered as he directed his smile towards her. She wanted to learn more about this man. They continued walking towards the parking lot, and a faint tapping sound grew louder. Dread built in Nicole’s gut. Sure enough, as they approached the glass atrium near the food court, the rain started pouring down in sheets.

“I’ll wait here for a while,” Nicole said.

“Not interested in getting soaked?”

“No.” Nicole broke off. How much should she share?

Michael cocked his head, the question in his gaze.

Nicole sighed. “I hate driving in the rain. A few years ago, the rain was coming down like this, and I skidded off the road into a ditch.” She shuddered. “I was stuck for two hours until the tow truck pulled me out.”

Michael’s eyes widened. “Were you hurt?”

“I broke my collarbone in three places. It hurt so much. I still get nervous driving when it’s raining hard. And now, it’s close to freezing—the roads are bound to get icy.”

“I’m sorry, Nicole. Would you like a ride?”

The offer was tempting, but even knowing that Michael didn’t work on Sundays, Nicole wasn’t about to get in a car with an almost-stranger. “No, I’ll be fine. I’ll wait until it passes.”

“Would you like some company?” Michael’s expression was hopeful.

Nicole hesitated. Did she? Making small talk while serving him a smoothie was safe. Daydreaming about him was safe, although she’d never admit to Jasmine she did so. Spending time waiting out the rainstorm was a different matter entirely. The mall wouldn’t close for several hours. What if they stayed and talked and he didn’t like her?


Mary K. Marelli said…
This sounds like a wonderful read! I enjoyed the excerpt and wish you much success with your book.
Barbara Britton said…
Another great Christmas story, Karen! Congratulations!
Carol James said…
This was such a great story, Karen. I really enjoyed it.
LoRee Peery said…
I agree, another worthy Christmas story. The variety is as unique as all the storytellers.
Gail Pallotta said…
This sounds like a fun read with a good message.
Karen Malley said…
Thanks, Clare, for featuring The Christmas Mission, and thanks all, for your kind comments!

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