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Showing posts from May, 2024

Non fiction worship through modern day psalms and verses by LoRee Peery

 This set of non fiction books from author LoRee Peery are a blessing in every sense of the word. She has penned four volumes, two of which published this month with two coming in June. Shelter in the Night                            May 10 Seeking shelter from pain in the night prompts worship through verse in modern-day psalms. Blurb: Do you ever awaken in the middle of the night, beset by thoughts of the worries of the day? Do you ever awaken with the feeling that God wants you to pray for someone or some thing? Do you pray, flounder in your prayer or immediately fall back to sleep? Through the verses of Shelter in the Night, volume 1 in the Worship through Verse devotionals, the author pours out sorrows and joys much like the Old Testament psalmists. Whether you need shelter or reassurance, this collection can bring peace, hope and solace. ...

Phooey Kerflooey: Three Kids And A Puppy vs The Squirrel Of The Apocalypse by Kristen Joy Wilkes

Kristen says "Once upon a time, our family of three young boys welcomed a princess into our home. A furry princess, a princess who ended up weighing more than they did, was terrified of haybales and bags of chicken feed, and refused to drink out of anything but her own special mug. Our boys were charmed by their puppy princess and asked that I write a story based on her. It took me seven years, but finally I present to you  Phooey Kerflooey ! While our own boys delighted in Princess Leia Freyja’s scaredy-cat antics and princess ways, the boys in the story take a bit longer to appreciate Phooey’s gifts. However, I pray that you will enjoy their journey together as they battle the squirrel of the apocalypse and search for perfect peace amidst a storm of chaos. " And I loved this one. It's gone straight back into the TBR pile. A puppy will fix everything.  A boring new house?  Boring house + puppy = adventure!    An attacking squirrel?  Evil squirrel + puppy =...