It's almost Easter Every time I see daffodils I'm reminded of Andrew Page, our then assistant pastor. And the same goes for flowers on Easter Sunday. I was 16 so this is many years ago now. Andrew is now Pastor of his own church, ironically the same one this happened it. Picture the scene. 500 people in the congregation, and a load of over excited children as its Easter. Andrew starts the children's talk by asking what the children had had for breakfast. Cornflakes, toast and so on. He picks a daffodil from the flower arrangement on the platform and breaks off a piece of the stem and eats it. He continues to talk about breakfast, all the time breaking off pieces of the stem and eating it. Then he moved on to Easter Eggs. How many and what kinds. How many had they eaten. Was chocolate better than cornflakes for breakfast. He pulls off the petals one by one and eats them. Silence fills the church, and I mean you co...
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