... and with it a whole host of books. Yes, it's the Christmas Extravaganza time. For each day in December, leading up to Christmas, there will be a book a day, at least, for you to get a sneak peek into. Some new ones, some older ones. Some of these I have read, and you're in for a treat. All the Pelican ones are priced at 99c (95p ish) until the end of December. So that's a book for way less than a cup of coffee. It'll last a lot longer and make an author very, very happy. Christmas Eve there will be a message from Richard Baxter, outreach worker at Carey Baptist Church in Reading. This is the master list of all the posts. So if you only bookmark one post, this is the one. Each post will have the tag Extravaganza to make finding them easier. They are all linked here, but won't actually be live until the day it's scheduled. EDIT... seems the blog lied with it's permlinks. I can't do this tech stuff obviously. So i've removed them all. Just...
Where Faith and Romance Meet