Almost my unbirthday lol, but we ain't mentioning that. Its sunny, and I still have the car. Oh and finally a new work pass :D esp as my hair is now so much longer than in the photo they took 3 and a half years ago. Have I really been there that long - time flies. Writers block has kicked in. Bleugh. Hopefully it'll go soon and I can start a new story. Maybe I just have too many ideas going round my head atm. Should get the next lot of edits for season for miracles back soon. Still really excited about this. Can't wait to see the cover for it. Did i say my author page is up at the publishers? Did I give a link to it? Dunno - anyway just in case I didnt'.... Its here with photo now. ok time to go put dinner in. Toad in the hole tonight.
Where Faith and Romance Meet