Yes its almost time for 25 days of madness. Yes, I know there are 30 days in Nov. I don't write Sundays and there are 5 of them. Again. My name there is Tels. Oh well, pressures good for you, right? And that's a round 2000 a day rather than the odd 1666. Or something like that. The pics not perfect but I'm not that good at photoshop and that image was like 5 layers and took me a good 3 hours, so I'm pleased with it. :) Its my book cover, sig on the nano forums and I even added a word count calandar to it for my desktop for Nov. It's all planned in ywriter, all my scenes and plots points and all i want to do is write. The waiting is killing me lol. As usual I cast my novel so I can picture the MC and FC better. Wildfire by CL Revell Starring Brad Johnson (Left Behind, Safe Harbour) as Marc Chambers and Lucy Brown(Primeval) as Debra Turpin. Yes my MC's initials are really MC. Was so tempting to do the same with FC ;-) Short synopsis "The fire consumed me. Th...