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Showing posts from September, 2009

writers block

The muse has packed up and left. And presumabley taken the towel with him. I am completely at a loss with nothing to write. Well that's not quite true, I have a hero and a heroine and the basic jobs they do, but that's it. Nothing more and its driving me nuts. I want to write. I need to write but nothing's happening. I even tried planning using a prompt table from LJ but that didn't help. Though that would be an idea for nano. A 50 prompt table, two characters and 1000 words per prompt or per scene. Hmmm. Okay, that's nano sorted. But doesn't help me right now. Goes to find a wall to hit her head against.


Anyway... i've made 3/4 of an elf... tho I have run out of stuffing and tbh I think he looks more like a taelon than an elf... see above photo. I have another four cut out. Had an email today to say my Christmas novel has been assigned to an editor and i should hear within 90 days. That makes it around Christmas lol. Very appropriate. Guess I should start another or at least plan what I am doing for nano. I want to do a complee rewrite of Dark Orchid. Its more fiction than romance, yet I like it so I don't know. Maybe i keep planning the one i have in mind and write that for nano. Better go, sounds like dinners boiling over. Already burnt my arm once today. Don't want to burn anything else.


A post in honour of today's date - 9th Sept 2009 or 09/09/09 Had a busy weekend, our church holiday. Great fun, didn't stop, didn't write. Trying to go through All I want now before I send it off. Will no doubt get it back with another rejection but can't hurt to try. My aim is to have enough rejections to paper the living room with ;-) Kids are back at school. I'm back at work. Nothing much else to report really.